Biden’s Bird Flu Policies Are Plucking Small Farms Dry

Under the Biden administration, the government’s bird flu testing policies are creating a nightmare for small farmers across the country. What started as a measure to control avian flu outbreaks has spiraled into an overreaching system that unfairly targets small, family-run farms while leaving corporate agricultural giants relatively unscathed. For many small farmers, this isn’t just a regulatory inconvenience—it’s a death sentence for their livelihood.

The problem lies in the aggressive testing and culling protocols enforced by federal agencies. When a single bird tests positive for avian flu, entire flocks are ordered to be destroyed—regardless of whether the rest of the birds are healthy. For a small farm, losing a flock doesn’t just mean a temporary setback; it can mean financial ruin. The government claims to offer compensation, but the process is slow and riddled with red tape, leaving many farmers struggling to stay afloat.

Adding insult to injury, large corporate farms with vast resources can absorb these losses, while smaller operations are left in the dust. Farmers are reporting that the testing protocols often seem arbitrary, with little transparency about how decisions are made. Meanwhile, the cost of compliance with the administration’s mandates has skyrocketed, forcing some farmers to shut down altogether.

This heavy-handed approach underscores a broader issue: Washington’s one-size-fits-all policies rarely work for America’s small businesses, and farming is no exception. Instead of supporting the family farms that form the backbone of rural communities, Biden’s policies are pushing them closer to extinction. If something doesn’t change soon, the nation risks losing not only its small farms but the independence and resilience they represent.

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