It’s been a busy week for the Biden family. The campaign dragged Joe’s decrepit old body over to Normandy to pretend that he cares about the troops on the anniversary of D-Day. Jill, on the other hand, flew a 3,600-mile round trip from Normandy to Wilmington, Delaware multiple times so she could babysit Joe and also sit in on Hunter Biden’s federal gun trial. Guess who’s paying for all those thousands of miles worth of private flights?
The National Taxpayers Union Foundation estimates that Jill Biden racked up $345,400 in flight costs while ping-ponging back and forth between France and Delaware over a seven-day period. She spent four days at the courthouse and three in France.
Mrs. Biden flew on a government Boeing C-32, which charges a rate of $13,800 for every hour of jet fuel it burns through. (Flying private was much cheaper when Trump was in office, by the way.)
The Democratic National Committee, which is funded by donors, has agreed to reimburse the government for the price of a single first-class ticket to cover the costs of flying Jill Biden back and forth. The taxpayers are forced to foot the bill for the rest of the cost. Since a first-class flight from Philadelphia to Paris costs $6,655 right now, that means Jill Biden has stiffed the taxpayers for roughly $338,000.
The White House is refusing to say the exact amount of what the flights cost or how much the DNC is actually reimbursing the government for. Traveling to attend Hunter Biden’s gun trial was obviously not official government business. So, why exactly are the taxpayers being stuck with that bill?
Oh, right. It’s the Bidens.