Springfield, Ohio is exactly the sort of small American town that you’d love to visit once a year if your grandparents lived there. It has a lot of beautiful, pre-World War II architecture and most of the people there are very nice. Current Ohio Governor Mike DeWine was born there, along with retired Cincinnati Reds pitcher Will McEnany. The town is as American as apple pie, with a population of just 55,000. You might even want to move there after visiting the place. Unfortunately, you can’t do that now because Joe Biden has dumped 20,000 Haitians in Springfield. There’s no available housing left in the small town.
The population of Springfield, OH grew by around 40% overnight after the unelected Biden regime quietly stuffed as many as 20,000 Haitians there. These aren’t even illegal aliens. Because the Haitian government has failed once again on a Democrat president’s watch, the island nation has descended into a hellish warzone. Hundreds of thousands of Haitians have fled the island to try to get away from the criminal gangs that now control it.
These particular 20,000 Haitians who are in the process of destroying Springfield have been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS) by the Biden regime. This is even though the Haitians violated UN rules when it comes to begging another country for refugee status. Under international law, people are supposed to request asylum in the first country they arrive in when they leave their homeland.
The Haitians fled their home country and first arrived in Mexico. Rather than requesting asylum there, they made their way to our southern border. They know that the “stupid country” will give them “free” Obamaphones, dry cleaning, and other fat bennies compared to what they could get in Mexico. Why bother claiming asylum in Mexico where your claim is likely to be denied when you can just walk to a country led by morons that will provide you with cradle-to-grave welfare?
Biden allowed the Haitians into the country in violation of laws governing refugees and then immediately dumped them in a red state. The city leaders in Springfield had no clue that Biden was planning to dump 20,000 foreigners in their laps.
Obviously, the situation has created a massive housing crisis for Springfield. The city didn’t have 20,000 empty apartments and homes just waiting for Joe Biden to drop off a bunch of foreigners. The situation is now so bad that even if you wanted to move from one apartment to another in Springfield, you couldn’t do it. There’s no available housing left. Even before Biden dumped 20,000 unasked-for Haitians in the small town, there were only four or five daily apartment availabilities there.
What is continuously amazing is that the mayors of the towns that Joe Biden does this to never seem to make the right choice for their American constituents. Why accept the refugees? Tell them they’re not welcome and send them on their way. Turn a fire hose on them. This isn’t that difficult.
Instead, the city leaders in Springfield are asking for a bailout from the taxpayers so they can continue to coddle the horde of invaders that Joe Biden has decided to destroy their city with. Even if the federal government sends your tax dollars to Springfield, what’s the long-term plan? Take care of the foreign invaders forever at taxpayer expense?
How long is it going to take before local communities start putting their foot down and sending a clear message to our failed political leaders at the national level? Will anyone have the guts to tell Joe Biden, “Sorry, loser. We don’t accept your fake refugees and they need to get out now?”