Politicians are known to say the darndest things. And Tim Walz will say just about anything right now to ensure that he and Harris get elected into the White House come November.
We’ve collected a few of his quotes to help re-think who he is as a person…and give us pause about even thinking that he may be a good candidate.
“My first mission is to take care of our troops. I take that mission very personally.” Considering all of the accusations of stolen valor, it doesn’t sound like he was a great troop, so this doesn’t deliver a lot of confidence.
“We don’t need more of the same, typical politicians fighting for themselves and for special interests. We need someone to believe in our small-business owners again and someone to champion those folks who play by the rules.” Is he suggesting that he’s going to champion for small-business owners? Because Minnesota is filled with small business owners who lost everything during COVID because Walz ran the state like a tyrant.
“They want to take books away, they want to be in your exam room. That’s what it comes down to, and don’t get sugarcoating this: These are weird ideas.” So calling an entire political party “weird” is supposed to bring unity? And he claims that the right wants to take books away, and that’s true – the books that contain pornography are being taken out of school libraries. As for other books, they’re being banned by the left.
Walz may want to be careful of what he says. He needs to do the research and be cautious. Otherwise, he may find himself getting fact-checked during a debate. Well, unless it’s on ABC because, obviously, they’re not bothering with fact-checking anyone on the left.