Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin—also referred to as “the black guy” by Joe Biden—ordered a military panel to review the Medal of Honor citations of 20 American soldiers that were awarded in 1890. This exercise in historical revisionism by Year Zero communists is just the latest insult that the Biden regime has heaped on our military. The narrative is that America’s past is racist and therefore we must throw out the Constitution. Why else would you strip medals away from long-dead American soldiers who can’t defend themselves?
The 20 American soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor for the Battle of Wounded Knee in South Dakota in 1890. That does seem like a lot of Medals of Honor for one battle. The military didn’t have the Bronze Star, the Silver Star, or some of the other lesser medals for bravery that it hands out today. It was the Medal of Honor and that was it.
For 22 years after that battle, it was only known to the American public as the “Battle of Wounded Knee.” It wasn’t until 1912 that a progressive communist newspaper editor started calling the battle a “massacre.” That description isn’t exactly true. If you believe the hyperventilating historians, for example, you might think that as many as 375 Indians, mostly unarmed women and children, were killed in the fight. The Library of Congress notes that the number couldn’t have been more than two hundred—and many of the Indians were armed.
Another bit of historical fact that Lloyd Austin’s review panel will no doubt ignore is the Ghost Dance movement that was sweeping through Indian tribes at the time. In 1889, a Northern Paiute “prophet” named Wovoka took a bunch of shrooms and had a vision during a solar eclipse. Wovoka’s perverted message was that the second coming of Jesus was imminent. During this second coming, Jesus would raise the ghosts of every deceased Indian in America to fight alongside the tribes.
The message of the Ghost Dance was that the Indian tribes would all finally band together under Jesus and kill all the white people. Every Indian tribe in the US incorporated the Ghost Dance ritual into their tribal rituals, except for the Navajo in Arizona. They were leery of the thing with the ghosts.
If you put yourself in the shoes of many Americans back then, you can see why it would make people nervous that every Indian tribe was dancing around and singing a “Let’s kill all the whites” message. You might even call it an insurrection movement.
At any rate, when the Army’s 7th Cavalry tried to disarm a group of Lakota at Wounded Knee that day, gunfire broke out and the battle took place. (And before anyone says “But muh Second Amendment,” the Indian tribes were still at war with America in many places and they wouldn’t become US citizens until 1919. They had no 2A rights at the time.) The fight resulted in 25 American soldiers killed by the “unarmed” Indians.
If you are wondering why Lloyd Austin has the military going to all this bother now, more than 130 years later, it’s just the latest humiliation ritual that the Biden regime plans to dump on our heads. They believe that America was always racist and therefore, anyone descended from Americans is racist by association. They’re erasing America’s past so that they can take our country away from us.