It’s official: the global elites have finally decided they can save the planet without America. How noble. A coalition of nations, led by the European Union, Canada, and Mexico, has announced their ambitious new climate targets, and guess what? The United States isn’t invited to the party. Apparently, our absence is supposed to be some grand statement about their moral superiority. In reality, it’s just another excuse for bureaucrats to feel important while accomplishing nothing.
This coalition claims it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to “historic lows” by 2035, which sounds impressive until you realize they’ve made similar promises before—with about as much success as a diet that starts on New Year’s Day. Remember the Paris Agreement? That shiny, groundbreaking deal that was supposed to revolutionize the way we tackle climate change? Most of its signatories missed their targets, but hey, who’s counting? The important thing is that they tried, right?
The real kicker here is the arrogance. These countries are essentially saying, “We’ll show America how it’s done!” But let’s get real for a second: who do they think is going to pay for all of this? The European Union can’t fund its green initiatives without borrowing money, Mexico can’t even fix its air quality in Mexico City, and Canada? Well, Justin Trudeau’s government is too busy banning plastic straws and taxing carbon to notice their economy is circling the drain. But sure, they’re totally going to save the planet without us.
Meanwhile, here in the United States, we’re being painted as the bad guy. Again. According to the international climate brigade, our unwillingness to “get on board” is a betrayal of global responsibility. Never mind that the U.S. has done more to reduce carbon emissions in the past decade than most of these countries combined, thanks to advances in technology and a little thing called natural gas. But no, that doesn’t count because it wasn’t mandated by an international treaty or accompanied by virtue-signaling photo ops.
Let’s not ignore the elephant in the room: China. While this coalition of self-righteous nations pats itself on the back, the world’s largest polluter is sitting quietly in the corner, building more coal plants and laughing all the way to the bank. China loves these global climate initiatives because they know they’ll never actually be held accountable. They’ll sign whatever agreement you put in front of them, keep polluting, and then blame the West for not doing enough. It’s the oldest trick in the book, and these so-called leaders fall for it every time.
Of course, the U.S. media is eating this up, portraying the coalition as the saviors of the planet and the Biden administration as shortsighted for not joining them. Never mind that the American people have made it clear they’re not interested in footing the bill for another round of green hysteria. We’ve seen what happens when government tries to “fix” the climate—it results in higher energy costs, lost jobs, and a whole lot of hot air (pun intended).
The truth is, this coalition isn’t about saving the planet. It’s about power—power to regulate, power to tax, and power to control. These countries aren’t uniting to tackle climate change; they’re uniting to build a global bureaucracy that will tell you how to live your life. What you can drive, how you can heat your home, and what you can eat—because, let’s face it, the “climate crisis” always seems to end with someone telling you to give up steak.
So let them move forward without us. Let them write their grand declarations, hold their summits, and pose for their group photos. Meanwhile, America will keep innovating, producing, and leading in the ways that actually matter. Because at the end of the day, action speaks louder than empty promises—and we’ve had enough of those to last a lifetime.