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OpturaDesign / shutterstock.com

NFL Ordered to Pay $4.7 Billion in ‘Sunday Ticket’ Antitrust Lawsuit

If you subscribed to the NFL’s “Sunday Ticket” on DirecTV anytime between 2011 and 2022, the federal government says you were ripped off and...
Cameron Whitman / shutterstock.com

Biden’s Latest Move: Pardons for Veterans Convicted of Gay Sex

President Joe Biden is expected to pardon US veterans convicted over 60 years under an old military law that banned gay sex. That's right,...
Sharon Keating / shutterstock.com

Bigfoot Brothers From Another Mother

If you think you've seen Bigfoot, this is the article for you. There are tales the old of time of large sasquatches that wander...
rafapress / shutterstock.com

DOJ Bombshell: Qatari Foreign Agents’ $250K Deal for PBS Documentary

The Department of Justice just dropped a bombshell: A Gulf state cozy with Hamas is allegedly greasing the gears of American media. According to...
Salty View / shutterstock.com

Julian Assange is a Free Man and So Far, the Clintons Haven’t Murdered Him...

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange has signed a plea agreement with the US government in Saipan, the capital of the US territory of the Northern...
rblfmr / shutterstock.com

Special Counsel’s Tries Hard to Justify FBI’s Mar-a-Lago Overreach

Here we go again with the DOJ's witch hunt against Donald Trump. Special counsel Jack Smith and his team are working overtime to undermine...
Sazid4 / shutterstock.com

Is Biden an Example of Elder Abuse?

Joe Biden recently declared "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day," which makes us wonder, is he actually an example of the abuse he's trying to...
xhico / shutterstock.com

WATCH: Cannabis Industry in Colorado Shows Signs of Distress

Bidenomics has even had a negative impact on the cannabis industry in Colorado - and this is bad news for marijuana growers. Watch: https://youtu.be/EZbf8GNE7BU
Liv Oeian / shutterstock.com

Happy 6-Year Anniversary to Greta Thunberg Saying We’d All Be Dead in 5 Years

If you’re reading this, congratulations on not dying from global warming! It was on June 21, 2018, that the global warming prophet-child Greta Thunberg...
FabrikaSimf / shutterstock.com

As Americans, Should We All Own Guns?

The 2nd Amendment grants us the right to bear arms, but should every American actually own a gun? Take a quick poll now: <div data-tf-live="01J0S5WF9YXBJAF0GTMGAY4TGP"></div><script src="//embed.typeform.com/next/embed.js"></script> Can't...