For decades now, the federal government has been notorious for failing to take care of its best and brightest while they serve this great country, and it only gets worse once you leave. Now, 96-year-old Korean War veteran Earl Meyer of Minnesota is finally getting a Purple Heart, which he was due years ago after poor documentation kept him from it. This honor is awarded to those who are wounded or killed while in a hostile area by enemy action. Meyer didn’t get his for shrapnel he had taken to the leg.
Speaking with Fox 8 about the delay, he said, “Anybody can make up a story. But when they hear people talking about it, they gotta realize this person knows what he’s talking about. I guess that’s the way they felt about my story.”
Overturned when the Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA) overheard his story and vouched for him to receive the proper recognition, the SMA was furious to learn of the delay due to paperwork. Brought to light by a campaign from Meyer’s daughters, his attorney, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Meyer is just one of many who did not get what they deserve.
Being forced to fight tooth and nail for benefits and entitlements they earned in service, the burden of proof is perpetually on the servicemember or their family. With many losing those who can support the actions or injuries, the claims process becomes even more arduous. Given the way records were kept pre-Desert Storm, it’s almost like a second job just trying to prove many were even stationed on some of these remote outposts.
It’s about damn time Meyer and others receive their due. We owe a great debt of gratitude to him and those like him. Contrary to liberal beliefs, these medals and their significance mean a lot to those who earned them. The honor and respect they carry with them are unlike anything else.