Hunter Biden, once again, proves that nepotism knows no boundaries—even international ones. As if cashing in on his father’s political influence wasn’t enough, now we learn that the First Son reportedly dared to ask the State Department for help in sealing an energy deal in Italy on behalf of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. That’s right, while Joe Biden was Vice President, his son allegedly leveraged daddy’s position to push foreign deals. Who’s surprised? Anyone?
According to records obtained by the media, Hunter Biden penned at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy, pleading for assistance in securing an energy deal for Burisma in Tuscany. You know, just your average son of a Vice President casually asking a U.S. ambassador to grease the wheels for a foreign company. The response from a Commerce Department official in the U.S. Embassy in Rome could have been more relaxed than you’d expect. The clearly uncomfortable official said, “Uh, we need to be careful about this,” noting that it wasn’t exactly in the U.S. government’s best interest to advocate for a Ukrainian company without jumping through the proper hoops.
The media contacted the State Department to confirm this cozy little exchange. Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, was quick to downplay the situation, saying that Hunter had asked many people for help and that nothing illegal had taken place. Sure, because when you’re the VP’s son, asking U.S. officials for favors is normal. Lowell insisted that no meetings happened, no projects came to life, and Hunter only sought a simple introduction in Italy. Just a little nudge, right?
Of course, the State Department didn’t rush to release Hunter’s letter’s actual text. They only handed over the documents after three years of battling a Freedom of Information Act request because transparency is clearly a priority for this administration.
Hunter Biden’s questionable actions have become a massive headache for President Joe Biden, even sparking an impeachment inquiry. Yet, despite all the drama, the president remains loyal to his son. But at this point, one has to wonder how long can the elder Biden continue to stand by, as his son’s antics pile up?