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Perry McLeod / shutterstock.com

WATCH: Joe Biden’s the Worst (Here’s Why)

Think Biden's the worst? He really is, and we have the proof. Watch now: https://youtu.be/r5AxRqR-Lmo
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Sean Hannity Sells His NY Mansion, Following Through on Promise to Leave the State...

If you haven’t heard, there’s a great migration going on in the US. And no, I’m not talking about immigrants coming here by the...
Alexander Mak / shutterstock.com

Hey Girls, Put the Gun Down, Operating Gun Safety Features is Too Complex For...

It seems nearly every day, Democrats are forced to defend condescending remarks made about minorities and, in this case, women. Hot on the heels...
Jay Yuan / shutterstock.com

6 Vital Retirement Tactics for Baby Boomers

As Baby Boomers transition into retirement, securing financial stability becomes increasingly vital, given the potential uncertainties they may face. From market fluctuations to healthcare...
Kathy Hutchins / shutterstock.com

Stormy Daniels’ Testimony Shakes Up Trump Trial Dynamics

In recent courtroom proceedings, Stormy Daniels restated her allegations regarding an alleged affair during her testimony. This momentous event took place during the trial...
Tom Reichner / shutterstock.com

Bear Turns Car Wreck Into Buffet

Massachusetts State Police announced the discovery of a bear making a car crash victim into a meal in Hatfield, MA. 31-year-old Daniel Ducharme, of...
SomYuZu / shutterstock.com

How Biden’s Proposed 2025 Tax Hikes Could Crash the Stock Market This Year

Most Americans are still unaware of the massive tax hikes that Joe Biden plans to impose on them if he manages to stay in...
frank333 / shutterstock.com

White House Can’t Explain Biden Calling Allies “Xenophobic”

Given the frequency and level of ignorant things coming out of President Biden’s mouth, it’s become a double-time job for White House Press Secretary...
Jim Lambert / shutterstock.com

North Korea Prepping for Further Provocations by Littering Border With New Landmines

A new report from the Yonhap News Agency has confirmed reports of North Korea re-arming the border between North and South Korea. Officials with...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint Against Jack Smith 

Special prosecutor Jack Smith is already under the magnifying glass for what many feel is an unconstitutional appointment to his position as lead persecutor...