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DenisProduction.com / shutterstock.com

Try Not to Faint When You See How Much Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Plans...

A funny thing happened on the way to school. President Joe Biden managed to neatly sidestep a SCOTUS ruling that his “student loan forgiveness...
ErnestL / shutterstock.com

Hawaiian Landowner Refuses To Go Along With Big Money Developers, so They Sue

Developers in Hawaii have been causing problems off and on for decades now. Taking whatever land they want and using it as they see...
Ground Picture / shutterstock.com

Burglaries Happen Every Day, Are You Safe & Secure?

In Biden's America, there are more crimes. More homes are being broken into...which means that your home could be next. Are you as secure as...
Ralf Liebhold / shutterstock.com

NPR Retaliates Against Whistleblower

National Public Radio (NPR) Senior Editor Uri Berliner is suddenly facing a five-day-without-pay suspension for pointing out the left-side slant of the publication. Announced...
Niyazz / shutterstock.com

Latest Intel: U.S. Forces Actively Protecting Israel

In the latest episode of 'Guess Who's Knocking at Israel's Door?', the Pentagon spills the tea on U.S. forces playing superheroes to intercept missiles...
lovelyday12 / shutterstock.com

Biden’s Lightbulb Moment: What’s Next, Ban on Sunlight? The Energy Saga Continues

The Biden administration has targeted lightbulbs in its latest move to combat climate change. Still, many Americans are left in the dark about the...
Ron Adar / shutterstock.com

Louisiana Bill Would Legalize Running Over Protesters (Sort of)

The Louisiana state House of Representatives has passed a bill that provides a shield from liability to drivers who are forced to run over...
Adel Newman / shutterstock.com

Islands That Were Supposed to Vanish from Global Warming Are Getting Bigger

One of the big scare tactics that the global warming lunatics use to try to frighten people into supporting the Green New Deal is...
Michael Bordon / Shutterstock.com

Constitutional Carry is Gaining a Popularity…But Is That a Good Thing?

Do you feel safer or more in danger when there are more "good guys" carrying a gun? With constitutional carry gaining traction, it's an...
StanislavSukhin / shutterstock.com

CDC Tells States To Prep the Bird Flu Pandemic Plans

As things heat up for the 2024 Presidential elections, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now are asking state officials to prepare...