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richardjohnson / shutterstock.com

Navy Solicits Immigrants To Build Ships

The Biden Administration has had a total lack of faith in the American people for some time, and it doesn’t look to return any...
Perry McLeod / shutterstock.com

Biden Says Media is “Worried About Speaking Out Against Trump” 

With most major news outlets fishing for ratings by featuring non-stop negative coverage of former President Donald Trump, it’s hard to imagine so-called “journalists”...
Andy Dean Photography / shutterstock.com

Feds Making Progress in Backlog; Korean War Vet Gets Purple Heart 73 Years Later

For decades now, the federal government has been notorious for failing to take care of its best and brightest while they serve this great...

Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Liberals around the globe claim that global warming is not only an issue but it's a priority. Is it real or a hoax? Take our poll...
Stepan Kapl / shutterstock.com

Gold Isn’t the Only Metal You Should Be Buying in 2024

For decades now, Americans have been buying up gold. Even though it no longer props up the US Dollar, its value has remained consistent....
Lolostock / shutterstock.com

Kyle Rittenhouse Tours College Campuses to Promote Arming Students

On a warm August night in Kenosha, Washington, a terrified 17-year-old kid approached police officers with his hands raised in surrender. He had just...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Illegals Prevent NYC Teens From Using Soccer Field

The influx of illegals into New York City has had a massive ripple across the hotels, apartments, and parks across the boroughs. Erik Johansson...
Roy santi / shutterstock.com

Mistrial in Case of Arizona Rancher George Alan Kelly, Accused of Border Killing

Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly faced trial for second-degree murder in connection to the death of Gabriel Cuen-Buitimea, a Mexican national found shot on...
lev radin / shutterstock.com

Brutal Focus Groups Show No One Likes Kamala or Wants Her in Charge

Multiple recent focus groups in Arizona and California have shown that no one likes Kamala Harris or wants her to end up in charge...
Dans Destinations / shutterstock.com

Coasties Rescue Pregnant Woman From Fourth Circle of Hell, Also Known As Disney Cruises

Some people consider the Disney parks to be the "Happiest Place on Earth," a statement that anyone over 15 and not a devoted Disney...